About Owens Creek Company Olive Oil

Owens Creek Company’s Sicilian-style Quartetto Viola is produced from a distinctive blend of four varieties of Sicilian olives, each one selected for its superior quality and taste: Ogliarola Barese, Biancolilla, Cerasuola and Nocellara. Every bottle of OCC olive oil is certified Extra Virgin by the California Olive Oil Council. This artisanal blend features a robust, complex flavor with a peppery finish that is perfect on its own for dipping, tossing with freshly steamed vegetables, or for drizzling over grilled fish or poultry.

Owens Creek Company olives are harvested by hand each fall and are milled within 24 hours to ensure that the resulting oil has only the freshest possible fragrance and taste. A sophisticated drip irrigation system in the olive orchard makes economical use of the precious water drawn from wells located on the ranch property, which is nestled in the California San Joaquin Valley. These wells are recharged each spring by underground streams flowing from the Sierra snowpack.

Owens Creek Company is proud to be a part of the Cardiolive Oil Project and donate $4 from the sale of every specially labeled bottle of Sicilian-style Quartetto Viola Extra Virgin Olive Oil to benefit The Hewlett Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine Research Fund at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center. Together with Zingerman’s, Owens Creek Company is dedicated to contributing to the goals of the Cardiovascular Center and its mission to eradicate cardiovascular disease through the study of preventive medicine.

“I eat a lot of olive oil, and the fact that it tastes really good and it’s good for you is one of those rare opportunities in life. There are a lot of things that feel good, but may not be so good for you. Olive oil is one of those things where you’re really getting the best of both worlds.”

—Ari Weinzweig, Zingerman’s co-founder