Hammer Laboratory

Millie Schembechler Adrenal Cancer Fund


Dr. Hammer is the Millie Schembechler Professor of Adrenal Cancer and Director of the Endocrine Oncology Program.

On Sept. 26, 100 cancer survivors - joined by Michigan's First Lady Michelle Engler, Mrs. Cathy Schembechler and Mrs. Laurie Carr - took the field with the Michigan Marching Band during a pre-game rally at the Michigan Stadium to raise awareness of cancer issues. The marchers, representing all ages and types of cancers, formed the international sign "against" as the band played "Lean On Me." Planes circling overhead carried banners encouraging people to become advocates in the fight against cancer. The stadium announcer reminded fans that only one penny out of every $10 we send to Washington, D.C., is spent on cancer research. When the marchers left the field, the crowd of more than 110,000 chanted along with the U-M cheerleaders "No More Cancer!"