2003 Medical Class Profile
Admissions Summary
- Number applying in 2003: 4767 applicants
- Number interviewed: 673 (14%)
- Number of students in the class: 170
- Class Averages: GPA: 3.75, MCAT: 11.5
Class Composition
- Male: 57% of class
- Female: 43% of class
- MSTP: 11 students
- Maxofacial Surgery Program: 3 students
- 12% of the class are minority students
- Age range: 20 – 38
Class geography
- Michigan residents: 77 students (45%) Non-Michigan: 93 students (55%)
- States represented in class: 28
- After the state of Michigan, the next largest groups are: California
with 19, Illinois with 11, New York with nine, and Indiana with five
Undergraduate Colleges Attended
- 61 undergraduate schools are represented in the class, including eight
schools in Michigan
- 42 students attended the University of Michigan (25% of class). Other
institutions with significant representation include Harvard and Michigan
State with seven each; Stanford, Duke, Northwestern and UC Berkeley with
six each; UCLA with five; and Brigham Young, Dartmouth, Washington University
and Yale with four
College Field of Study
- Biology and biomedical fields: 37%
- Chemistry/Biochemistry: 15%
- Humanities fields: 12%
- Science/humanities double majors: 11%
- Engineering fields: 9%
- Other science, double science majors: 8%
- Business/Economics: 3%
- Other: 5%
Advanced Degrees
- Four incoming students have doctorates in other fields. Two have master’s
degrees, and three have degrees in dentistry