Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Medicine

"Learn by Doing"

Please use headphones or earbuds when listening to the heart and lung sounds used in this program.

Learner's Guide

This guide is designed to provide learner's with an understanding of the process of skill acquisition used in this tutorial series.

Level 1

These modules are designed to be used by undergraduate medical students during their introductory course on clinical skills.

Level 2

These modules are designed to be used by second-year medical students as a supplement to their lectures on cardiovascular and pulmonary medicine. They bring the patient into the classroom by means of a series of short authentic clinical cases.

Level 3

These modules are designed to be used by undergraduate medical students during their third-year internal medicine clerkship. They allow one-on-one experience with important cardiac and pulmonary disorders which they may have not been able to work-up on their inpatient or outpatient services.

Course Director’s Guide

This guide is designed to help instructors integrate the PSB into their curriculum.

Download the PSB

The PSB can be downloaded and customized for specific instructional needs. Go to this section for more information.