Sustainability at Michigan Medicine

Energy Conservation

University of Michigan Health (UMH) energy teams continually optimize building energy performance through innovative design, energy retrofit projects, efficient operation and maintenance, and efficient computing systems. Since 2005, UMH buildings have increased their efficiency by more then 23.5% (measured in BTU/ft2). In fiscal year 2021, facilities improved their energy efficiency by 0.5% compared to the previous year, resulting in approximately $81 Thousand in avoided utility cost.

Graph - UMH Energy Use & Cost FY2021

In fiscal year 2021, UMH buildings had nearly $25 Million in utilities expenses including:

Graph - UMH Utility Cost Distribution FY2021

How are we doing now?  Track current energy efficiency trends by building at the Building Energy Data page. (Select a building from the drop down menu to see building utility data)

Energy Conservation Projects

UMH energy teams continually look to implement energy conservation projects across the 6.7 million square feet of facilities. Several key projects include:

How can you help?

Watch the video below to learn how you can be a steward in energy conservation at UMH.

More tips
